The school district is governed by a seven-member Board of Education, elected by residents of the district. The Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Support Services Building in Room 8, 113 Line Street.
It is the goal of the Excelsior Springs School District Board of Education to foster an open line of communication with district patrons. With that in mind, it is important for the public to understand the role and responsibilities of a school board member.
The Board of Education serves four primary functions associated with school district operations:
► Hire a superintendent
► Help establish a district vision
► Establish policy
► Oversee district finances
All comments or concerns with the district should start at the classroom level and work up through the chain of command – teacher first, then principal, Central Office administration and finally the Board of Education after all other avenues have been exhausted. For more information on the board and its functions, please click here.